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Using MoST Address Fields

It’s not really news, but sometimes it’s helpful to know how some products work, especially the ones in regular use in our daily lives.

If you use the address function for customer transactions on your MoST website and wondered what’s behind using MoST Address Fields you should find this explanation helpful …

How it works is a consumer would start entering their Street Address, which performs an address lookup. If the user’s address is found, simply clicking it populates the address fields with the selected address. All address fields can be overridden, so if a field is filled incorrectly you can make changes.

If the address is not found, then you continue to the Suburb, then City. The City field will display a list of cities that start with the city you are typing in. When you move onto Region, then only regions that have the specified city are displayed, and are also filtered as you type in a region. By the time you get to Country it will be filtered based off the specified Regions, so typically this will be the correct Country for the address. This also filters, based off what you type in.

For those who supply products in New Zealand only - read on

If you intend to only supply to customers within New Zealand, the form will not allow users to complete a purchase if the user ONLY enters a billing address and the Country is not set to New Zealand, nor will it allow them to complete the order if the delivery address is not set to New Zealand.

However, this set-up allows people from overseas to order products and have them delivered to a local (NZ) address, which is great for those in other countries purchasing gifts for family or friends back home.

The filter fields are modified to not show when they are clicked, instead they will only show as you type in them.

When checking out how it works, we recommend trying it as if you are an actual consumer so you can experience it first-hand.

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