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Talking Point - What AI Thinks of Us (should we be worried?)

While we marvel at AI’s abilities, have we ever stopped to wonder... what does AI think about us?

Creative Destruction or Disruptive Innovation?

Small businesses and membership associations: Can you survive the creative destruction?

Using MoST Address Fields

Ever wondered what's behind the MoST Address Fields? You may find this explanation helpful...

Airing dirty linen in public - WordPress versus WP Engine

Could this be the fight of the century for technology?

Talking Point – Skinning a Cat (or possum or whatever) to reach new audiences

Is there a new way to reach your audience? It might involve a surprising method...

Talking Point – Is the AI honeymoon over already or just beginning?

It seems that more and more is being written about some of the unintended consequences of AI adoption...

New MoST – A ‘David’ amongst the ‘Goliaths’

We all know the story about the little guy overcoming the big guy in a battle by using bravery, courage and faith. Well, here’s a modern take on that story...

Frogs or Winners

thoughts on search and social media optimisation challenges

Talking Point – The Value of Systems

Never underestimate the value of systems in your day-to-day life

Talking Point – Real Fakes - Website Scams

what to look out for, both for businesses and clients
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