A search function is an extremely valuable tool within a website. All websites built in Expert’s content management system (CMS), MoST, have a search function readily available to them. Although it doesn’t contain all of the technical features and functionality that Google or Bing make available, its searching prowess and functionality is perfectly suitable for the SMEs and NFP organisations that Expert caters for.
MoST's search engine replicates a number of the features that the larger search engines provide users with:
- By default, the search engine will search all documents* containing any of the specified terms in the search being made
- Users can search for a phrase within a document by placing quotation marks around the phrase, i.e. “the quick brown fox”
- A combination of the above can be used to search for multiple phrases or phrases and words within documents on the website
- When the user lands on the search results page, they can make an advanced search by clarifying aspects of their search (as shown below). Search results can be ordered in different ways; the number of documents to be returned can be specified; and fields and details can be shown/hidden from the search results
- By ticking the option “Contains All Words”, only documents containing all of the specified search words and phrases will be retrieved

* Documents refers to webpages within a MoST built website
Another blog will be released in the near future with information on how to define the search settings for your website from the back-end of your site in MoST.
If you have any other questions about MoST’s search functionality, please feel free to contact us or on 04 384 9833